Most women and men struggle to remove unwanted hair. The definition of beauty differs from person to person; however, many people are obsessed with waxing, tweezing or shaving the unwanted hairs. While shaving helps a person stay hair free for a couple of days, waxing helps to avoid the growth of hair for a week. Douglaston Dermatology laser hair reduction offers an alternate and permanent solution without downtime.
Laser Hair Removal treatment targets hair stem cells through pulses of energy that pass through the skin. The Laser destroys hair follicles in a matter of minutes with minimal discomfort.
Douglaston Dermatology offers customized treatment packages to ensure best possible results. Our qualified professionals use the FDA-approved Yag laser, which is specifically designed to work on all skin types.
During sessions, clients may compare the feeling of the laser’s pulse with that of a snap of rubber band. The treated hairs begin to fall over a course of treatment, generally in 2 to 3 weeks time. It may take up a series of sessions to remove the hairs completely but the client will start seeing the result in the first treatment itself. As the treatment progresses, you will see that fewer and fewer hairs return. If you want to experience the highest degree of hair reduction permanently, it is important to finish the entire series of treatment.
After the procedure, the patient is advised to avoid heat and sun. Post treatment, do not indulge in exercise for at least 24 hours and do not go into the sauna. Avoid using harsh products and exfoliating the skin until a week after the treatment.
The highly skilled and licensed specialists at Douglaston Dermatology combine their knowledge, experience and FDA approved state-of-the –art technology to produce the desired results. Come visit us to discuss your specific needs and we will help you choose a treatment plan that works best for you. Our dedicated staff of specialist will be glad to assist you.
Contact us today at our Queens Dermatology Practice in Little Neck to schedule an appointment.